British Marine Engine and Equipment Association

Engine and Equipment Association

Working together on behalf of the
Engines and Equipment Association


British Marine Engines & Equipment is a pro-active group encouraging contact and participation by and with all the membership for our mutual benefit. The association provides a forum for all members to impart information concerning technical and commercial issues, especially new legislation affecting our business activities.

Membership includes companies manufacturing and importing inboard and outboard engines, gearboxes, stern gear and engine ancillaries. With the increasing demand for electrically powered drive systems the Engines and Equipment Association works closely with the Electrical & Electronics Association to ensure members of British Marine are fully supported.

Current members range from the multinational engine and equipment manufacturers to specialist small companies, distributors and service dealers, all involved in the marine industry supplying both the internal combustion engine and electrically powered users.

Mission Statement

British Marine Engines & Equipment's purpose is to help its members accomplish together the tasks they cannot achieve by themselves - working with government, environmental groups, standards organisations, classification establishments and other industry bodies.

What We Do

The Engines & Equipment Association (BMEE) was set up to represent the specific business interests of the engines and equipment suppliers to the recreational boating industry.

Active since the early 1970s, the Association works to promote these suppliers focusing in particular on regulatory guidance providing an industry voice in response to consultations.  With the increase in electrically powered and hybrid vessels, BMEE membership is growing with new members from this later sector.  The role of the association is also rebalancing to facilitate the needs of the electrically powered and hybrid sectors.

Why Join?

BMEE is one of 15 group Associations within British Marine, the trade association for the UK leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry and all its members are British Marine members, who upon joining are enrolled in an association of their choosing that best represents their specific business interests. 

As a member of British Marine and the Engines & Equipment Association you unlock a whole host of exclusive membership benefits, which have been developed to help support and grow your business and have the opportunity to meet with industry colleagues and competitors.


Charles Hansard

07968 397079


Lisa Jupp

07860 848835

British Marine Membership

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