The Water Craft Identification Number (WIN, previously CIN and HIN) is a 14-digit code that is marked on the boat in two places, one on the starboard side of the transom and a second hidden within the boat. The WIN is usually moulded or etched into the fabric of the boat hull to ensure permanency.
Details of how to formulate a WIN are available in BS EN ISO 10087, it is mandatory to use this standard when placing products on the GB market.
The WIN consists of a two-letter code to denote country of origin (boats built in the UK use GB), followed by a three-letter code to denote the manufacturer. This second code is known as the Manufacturer’s Identity Code (MIC) and is unique to the boatbuilder.
In the UK the register of MIC is maintained by British Marine on behalf of the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and manufacturers of boats that are placed on the GB market must be registered with the UK register.
If you are a boatbuilder from a country within the EU then you must now register with the UK after the 31st of January 2021.
If you are a boatbuilder from outside the EU who has previously exported to GB and is registered on the EU MIC register then you must also now register on the UK register.
The 3 characters used for a MIC code may consist of letters and/or numerals, except for the numerals 0 and 1.
The register maintained by British Marine is only for professional boatbuilders.
Vessels built for own use (DIY vessels) should apply to the Royal Yachting Association for a five digit number which is then used with the GB country code and MIC ‘RYA’.