Superyacht UK

Superyacht UK, is a flagship association within British Marine, with members operating in the design, build, supply chain and service provision of yachts over 24 metres load line length.

Our members range from designers to insurers and shipyards as well as engines, electronics and equipment suppliers. The objective of Superyacht UK is to provide greater co-ordination and professional support for the UK superyacht sector. Our longer-term aim is to gain UK market share of the world’s superyacht sector.  For further info please visit the Superyacht UK website.

Superyacht UK

Superyacht UK is a unique membership only association. Our mission is to represent the interests of the UK Superyacht industry both at home and internationally.

Our members cover the diversity of the UK industry from leading naval architects to award-winning manufacturers of yachts and equipment and the full span of supporting services. All of our 170-plus members draw on Great Britain’s rich heritage as seafaring pioneers and spearhead truly world-class products and services.

As part of British Marine, Superyacht UK champions UK innovation, excellence and heritage. We symbolise a badge of excellence within the international community for our member yacht designers, builders, equipment providers and destinations for yachts over 24m LOA.


Ben Geary


Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition 2024

The Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition 2024 has seen an unprecedented level of interest, with a record-setting 24 applications crossing the categories of second-year, third-year, and master's students from all over the country. This overwhelming response is a testament to the growing passion and talent among the next generation of yacht designers.

The competition, which aims to discover and nurture the brightest young minds in the industry, has consistently attracted a diverse pool of applicants. However, the 2024 edition has truly set a new benchmark, showcasing the depth and breadth of design expertise across the United Kingdom.

The participants hail from a wide range of academic institutions, bringing a varied set of perspectives and approaches to the table. Their designs are set to push the boundaries of yacht design, incorporating the latest technologies, innovative materials, and sustainable practices.

The Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition 2024 has undoubtedly captured the imagination of the industry. The record-breaking number of entries is a clear indication of the growing interest and investment in the future of yacht design. 

Stay tuned for further updates.

Meet the Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition 2024 Finalists and Judges

The Designers

Meet Them

The Judges

Meet Them

Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition 2024

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